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West Fraser Timber: Lumber Shipments Forecast for 2023


West Fraser Timber, a leading lumber company, has projected that its lumber shipments in 2023 will remain consistent with the levels achieved in 2022.

Expectations for 2023 Lumber Shipments

Despite the transportation challenges experienced last year, West Fraser Timber anticipates a smoother operational environment in 2023. Consequently, they expect no significant disruptions and project similar lumber shipment volumes compared to the previous year. However, the company acknowledges certain factors that might impact these projections, such as the permanent British Columbia mill curtailments announced in August 2022 and the indefinite curtailment of the Perry, Fla., sawmill declared in January 2023. Additionally, scheduled downtime for capital upgrade projects at several mills in the U.S. South will also play a role in determining shipment volumes.

Positive Drivers for Demand

West Fraser Timber highlights various key trends that have acted as positive drivers in recent years and are anticipated to continue supporting medium- and long-term demand for new home construction in North America.

Residential construction, repair and remodeling, and industrial applications constitute the primary uses of West Fraser Timber’s North American lumber, OSB, and wood panel products. Within the medium term, the company foresees an aging housing stock and an increasing prevalence of remote work flexibility leading to sustained demand for lumber, plywood, and OSB. These factors are expected to offset short-term headwinds caused by higher interest rates and stimulate spending on repairs and renovations, further bolstering demand.

Moreover, over the long term, West Fraser Timber predicts heightened market penetration of mass timber in industrial and commercial applications. This is anticipated to emerge as a significant catalyst for the growth of wood building products across North America.

With a comprehensive outlook on demand drivers and an optimistic perspective on market dynamics, West Fraser Timber is well-positioned to navigate the challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the lumber industry.

Near-Term Headwinds in New Home Construction

While encountering some challenges earlier this year, the new home construction industry in the United States has seen its fair share of headwinds. These obstacles were primarily due to the upward reset in interest rates and the resulting impact on housing affordability. Despite this, unemployment levels remain relatively low in the country. Moreover, central bankers across North America have hinted that the ongoing rate hiking cycle might soon come to a close, as indicated by the experts at our company.

Factors Affecting Demand

Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that changes in the broader economy and employment landscape can significantly influence demand for new home construction and our wood building products. Factors such as a slowdown in economic growth, persistent high interest rates, or even a further increase in rates beyond current expectations may dampen consumer sentiment and negatively impact housing affordability. Consequently, this could lead to a decline in demand for our products in the near term.

A Promising Outlook for European Products

Looking beyond the temporary softness in demand, we are optimistic about the future growth of our European products. The increasing use of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) as an alternative to plywood is set to bolster demand for our offerings in the long run. Additionally, with an aging housing stock comes a greater need for repair and renovation spending, creating additional opportunities for our wood building products.

Considerations and Potential Risks

However, it is essential to take into account several near-term risks that might impact demand for our products in Europe. These risks include elevated and rising interest rates, ongoing geopolitical developments, and the lagged effects of recent inflationary pressures. While these factors may temporarily slow down demand for our offerings, we remain confident in the overall resilience and potential of our European products.

With these dynamics in mind, we look forward to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of the new home construction market and serving our customers to the best of our abilities.

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