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Hunter Biden Sues IRS Agents for Sharing Personal Information


In a recent legal battle, Hunter Biden has filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), accusing two agents of publicly sharing his personal tax information. The case has emerged amidst the escalating legal and political struggles leading up to the 2024 election.

This lawsuit is the latest move by Biden as he defends himself against an ongoing federal investigation, which is also intricately tied to his father, President Joe Biden, through an impeachment inquiry seeking to link the President to his son’s business dealings.

The lawsuit emphasizes that, although Mr. Biden is the son of the President, he has the same responsibilities and rights as any other American citizen. It asserts that the IRS must ensure that he adheres to his responsibilities without violating his rights.

Shapley’s lawyer denounced the lawsuit as a baseless attempt to intimidate whistleblowers. He stated that Shapley had only disclosed confidential tax information through legal whistleblower channels and, once Congress made the testimony public, had every right to discuss that information as any other American citizen would.

Overall, this lawsuit signifies Hunter Biden’s determination to protect his rights and reputation in the face of a challenging legal landscape. As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen how this case will impact the political climate surrounding the upcoming 2024 election.

Ziegler’s Lawyer Vows to Speak Out about “Special Treatment” for Hunter Biden

In a recent development, Ziegler’s lawyer has made it clear that he will not be silent about what he perceives as “special treatment” for Hunter Biden in the handling of his case. The GOP-controlled House Oversight Committee has also expressed their support for Ziegler and his lawyer, stating that they are individuals who have acted in the best interest of the country by seeking whistleblower protection. The agents involved in the case have testified before the committee, reaffirming that their investigation will persist.

The IRS has chosen not to comment on the matter due to ongoing litigation. Meanwhile, the White House has reiterated that President Joe Biden was not involved in his son’s business affairs. Despite months of investigations, no substantial evidence of wrongdoing by the elder Biden has been found. It is worth mentioning that the former vice president did have regular conversations with his son and attended a business dinner with his associates in his capacity as vice president.

Hunter Biden has been under investigation for years, and it was anticipated that he would strike a plea deal over the summer. However, this agreement fell apart during a court hearing in July. He has now been indicted on federal firearms charges related to lying about his drug use in order to buy a gun in 2018. Critics of the prior plea agreement argue that it was too favorable and spared him jail time.

Biden’s defense team has made it clear that they intend to fight the charges vigorously, indicating that this case could potentially lead to a high-profile trial. Additionally, a new civil lawsuit has been filed in Washington, alleging improper disclosures regarding the specific tax years under investigation, deductions claimed, and allegations of liability.

Special counsel Weiss, who has been granted broad investigative powers, may also pursue new tax charges in either Washington or California. This adds another layer of complexity to an already high-profile case.

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